Page 4 - Care for the environment 2017
P. 4
Message from the CEO

It gives me great pleasure to introduce to you the 19th edition of the Earth Hour and World Environment Day, increasing the recycling
informative publication of our Environmental Services Department rate across the Αirport site, etc., thus enhancing environmental
“Care for the Environment”, which summarizes our Company’s awareness.
environmental actions related to airport operations.
Finally, 16 actions of the 2016 Corporate Community Engagement
2016 was another year of significant achievements for Athens Plan were successfully implemented concerning the areas of
International Airport (AIA). We have surpassed the 20 million education and social aid, culture, athletics and environmental
mark for passenger traffic and have intensified our actions in the protection in the local communities neighboring the airport.
fight against climate change by completely neutralizing our 2015
carbon footprint by investing in carbon offsets and Guarantees of Thus, I welcome you to the 2016 issue of “Care for the
Origin from renewable energy projects. As a result, AIA became Environment”.
certified at the fourth - and final - Level (Neutrality) of Airport
Carbon Accreditation, becoming the first carbon neutral airport in DrYiannis N. Paraschis
Greece, the 25th in Europe and the 28th worldwide.

At the same time, AIA has initiated all necessary actions in order
to become certified according to the ISO 50001 standard.This
certification will represent a crowning achievement in recognition
of AIA’s efforts to reduce energy consumption over the past
several years.

In addition, AIA received an award for its work in monitoring
ecosystems in the area of the Αirport, the preservation of
biodiversity and wildlife management.

During 2016 we continued systematic monitoring of all
environmental aspects and implemented a number of initiatives
involving the entire airport community, such as participation in

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