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Message from the CEO Furthermore, our annual community relations programme
addressing environmental issues was successfully
Dear Friends, implemented in cooperation with local municipalities.One of
the most important initiatives involves the preservation and
It gives me great pleasure to present to you the 11th issue protection of the neighbouring Vravrona wetlands, in
of Athens International Airport’s publication “Care for the collaboration with the Hellenic Ornithological Society.
Environment”, which summarises our company's initiatives
and programmes for responsible and effective environmental Social responsibility is an integral component of our
protection. corporate strategy, and we are especially proud for having
been ranked by Accountability Rating (Greece) --for the
Due to the global financial crisis, 2008 was a very difficult second year in a row-- as the 4th most responsible company
year for international aviation. However, our airport among the 100 largest enterprises active in Greece.
managed to maintain traffic at the record-breaking level of
2007, reaching 16.5 million passengers. In light of the continuing commitment of Athens
International Airport towards responsible environmental
At the same time, in 2008, the new environmental challenges policy, I welcome you to our latest “Care for the
for aviation became more apparent than ever. Aiming at Environment” issue.
decreasing the impact of the airport's operation on the
climate, we launched and implemented successfully a Dr Yiannis N. Paraschis
Climate Change Corporate Action Plan, focusing on CO2
emissions reduction. In addition, having achieved
substantial energy savings at the airport buildings and
infrastructure, our company was honoured by the
European Commission with the 2008 GreenBuilding
Partner Award.

For another consecutive year, recycling climbed to record
numbers, as our rate reached 43% of the total non-
hazardous waste generated at the airport. In addition,
our programme for the control and reduction of risks
associated to bird strikes was enhanced with the
purchase of new equipment that will contribute to
this important objective.
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